I help women unleash their inner entrepreneurial spirit, guiding them to build thriving online businesses with confidence, clarity, and unstoppable determination.


 I wear my passion for mindfulness and entrepreneurship on my sleeve.

I’m your guide to unlocking the boundless potential within you. As a Success Mindset Coach, I wear my passion for mindfulness and entrepreneurship on my sleeve.

Growing up in the midst of adversity, I learned the art of resilience early on. With grit and determination, I charted my own course, refusing to be defined by my circumstances. It wasn’t easy, but every challenge was a stepping stone to where I am today.

Now, I’m on a mission to empower women just like you to seize control of their destinies and create the life they’ve always dreamed of. Whether you’re yearning for financial freedom, craving fulfillment, or simply ready to unleash your inner boss babe, I’m here to light the way.

At The Zen Trendz, it’s not just about building businesses; it’s about building lives. I believe that success isn’t just about the numbers—it’s about finding joy, purpose, and balance in every aspect of our journey. That’s why I offer a holistic approach to entrepreneurship, blending mindset mastery with practical strategies for success.

Picture this: a tribe of fierce, determined women, standing tall and owning their power. That’s what we’re all about here. We’re not just building businesses; we’re building a movement—one that celebrates diversity, empowers women from all walks of life, and redefines what it means to thrive.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just dipping your toes into the world of online business, you belong here. Together, we’ll shatter limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and turn your wildest dreams into reality.

No one questions the authenticity of these screenshot testimonials. Many of these social media posts are public, so if someone wants to check it out for themselves.

Donna's Personal Insights

Discover the hidden gems that fuel my passion and drive.

My Favorite Things:

In the rhythm of life, you'll find me swaying to the soulful beats of R&B, finding solace in moments of meditation, and pouring my heart onto the pages of my journal.

My First Love Is:

Music—It’s more than just melodies; it’s my sanctuary, my refuge in times of darkness. Through the power of song, I’ve found healing, strength, and endless inspiration.

My Ultimate Goals in Life Are:

To cultivate successful streams of income, to craft a life overflowing with joy for myself and my children, and to inspire others to embrace their own path to fulfillment.


Words from People

A testimonial is a person’s written or spoken statement.

I have worked with Marie for several years now. She has helped me with a particularly difficult period in my life, and helped me find my way back. Most of all she taught me to embrace all of my life, and to delight in the things that matter most, and not to be consumed by the things that matter less.

Co-Founder of MyWorld.com

Embrace abundance, possibility, and unapologetic self-belief. Take the first step towards your dream life with The Zen Trendz.